Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Week 14 - New Milestone!

So I just calculated my BMI...

14 Weeks ago - I was Morbidly Obese.... I passed up Severely I am just Obese.  Strange... I never thought I would be excited to say that I was Obese.  LOL!

20 more pounds to go... and I will only be OVERWEIGHT!


Have a great week everyone!

Week 13 - Revising Goals

OK... just a quick post about revision of goals.  Like some sort of circus freak - I though I could keep losing about 5 lbs a week... so I would hit my goal in about 6-7 months.  I was nuts!  I was getting down on myself because I couldn't keep up with that goal plan.

Now I know how my body loses weight.  It is like a system - 1-2 lbs at best one week, then 6 lbs the next week.... excluding the week when I have the monthly visit - because I add 1-2 lbs that week.  I'm going to revise my goal to about 5 lbs every other week.

If I keep on that trend... this is what should happen:

Starting Weight 285
By my birthday 215-210
Lake Trip 205
6 month follow up visit with doc 190 (but I really want 185 :)
First cruise ever - 185 -180 (planned to celebrate 100 lbs gone!)
Halloween - 164 (Initial goal weight)
Christmas Eve - 145 (Surgeon's Goal Weight)

Wouldn't that be a GREAT Christmas Present to myself?

Week 12 - Realizations about stress eating and how WORK had nearly everything to do with it!

So... I really didn't drop that much weight in the past week.  I had a stark realization.  I am a food addict with a penchant for stress eating.  Before surgery... and actually up until last week... I would have told you that I got fat because I chose the wrong foods... and that I ate too much of them.

What I didn't realize is that when I get stressed out.... I eat like there is no tomorrow.  Maybe in the past - I didn't realize when I was stressed... that's because I thrived on it!  Let me explain....

My college degree is in Broadcast Journalism.  So I spent the better part of my first 10 years out of college slaving away in TV Station newsrooms as a producer.  Mostly working the overnight shift to write the morning news that you see while you are drinking your first cup of coffee.  That shift was BRUTAL!  Dissecting the news from the evening before, answering phone calls from crazy & drunk people, listening to the police scanner.... all while shoving fast food down my throat (since they were the only ones open for business at midnight when I was driving to work) and typing away to make an interesting newscast that is 2.5 hours long... but writing it in only 3.5 hours since the director has to mark the scripts for camera crews.

Stress was an everyday occurrence!  I switched to a different position in the newsroom shortly after arriving in Houston - Executive Producer of Special Projects.  Much less stressful.... and the weight started coming off.  I got laid off nearly 2 years later... weight came back on.

I recently had a position with a company for years that involved a ton of travel.  I was miserable at work, worked about 70 hours a week - but it still wasn't enough.  I climbed to probably 290 lbs or more.  None of my clothes fit - and I was afraid to get on the scale.  That company letting me go saved my life!

I found a job with a great company just 3 weeks later.  (I hadn't even gotten my first unemployment check yet.)  I have the most supportive boss anyone could ever hope for!  It was stressful starting during holiday but I got it done... and learned from it. (I am a retail store manager...)  The insurance package I selected covered my surgery in full except for my deductible (woo hoo!)  And the job wasn't stressful.... so weight loss was easy.... or so I thought.

Now - sorry for the digression - but I thought you needed a little bit of history on me first.  Fast forward to the week of Mom's Day.  HUGE gifting season for my retailer - but my store is falling behind plan and behind the district trend.  I have to keep an eagle eye on payroll, find out what is happening, why aren't people buying as much:  do we have the right selection of product, do I have the right people working, is our sales floor staffed appropriately...

SIGH... when I realized that we were going to miss Mom's Day - I found myself  stress eating all over again.  Now this was 2 weeks in a row!  I've got to get a handle on this if I am ever going to drop any weight....

OK - enough thinking for now.....  I gotta get back on track.  Have a great week!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Week 11- Stress Eating and Shopping in the Misses Dept. FINALLY!

Weight 229.2

Yes!  Finally in the 220's!  I had a revelation over the weekend... I found an old pair of  NY and Company jeans I purchased in 2004 and only got to wear once.  I dried them - and they shrunk!  Guess what - they fit now  (and look really good I might add!)  I also found a bag of shorts I purchased from NY and Company as well.  They never did fit.... I can zip them now... but there is a bit of a muffin top.... I'll just need to give it a few weeks and they should be fine.

Other realizations - I had a stressful weekend at work trying to make sales plan for the quarter.  I realized that I was in denial before about being an emotional eater.  I had a protein shake for breakfast, tilapia with broccoli and quinoa for lunch... then when we stopped making sales plan.... I found myself with cheetos and M&M's in my hand.  I felt sick (from eating too much) and mentally sick - that I let this get to me.  The major difference is that I only backslid that afternoon.  In the past - the entire week would have been shot to hell.

I gathered with my friends last night in memory of a dear friend of mine that was killed 2 years ago.  It's important to recognize the fact that I made it through the night with no tears, no alcohol and only 5 grilled shrimp.  That is quite the contrast from 2 years ago - I was on my way losing weight (had lost 30 lbs at that point) when I learned of his death.  I ended up in the hospital the next day due to dehydration... lost about 10 lbs in 2 days due to that..... then the comfort eating started.  I gained 45 lbs in just a matter of months.

It's interesting - the friend who passed was really into helping me lose weight... he would be so proud of me now.  :)

Thanks for everyone for reading... feel free to comment.

Next week is picture week for Week 12 :)
