Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week 7 Post Op - Lessons in Staying Hydrated

Good news... down to 242.8!  Woo hoo!!
BTW - more progress pics are posted.  I'm noticing a difference in the waist this time :)

Now... the big lesson in the past week.  YOU MUST STAY HYDRATED!!  Learn from my major mistake.  I was touring stores with my boss and a few other counterparts.  I did well by taking my vitamins and eating breakfast before we got started.  I brought a few snacks with me and water... but it was in my bag - out of reach  (since we all put our bags down to take notes.)

It had only been 2 hours since I ate something... but I was already behind on liquids.

I was standing in the middle of the mall - in front of a store with my group I was touring with.  My legs started feeling funny... kinda tingly.  I chalked it up to standing still in high heels.  Next... I started to get hot. (Note - I never get hot since surgery... so this should have been a red flag.)  Then my hearing started to fade... at this point I knew I was in trouble.  I knew I was getting ready to pass out (or faint.).

Next thing I knew... I woke up on the marble floor in the middle of the mall - laying on my back!  My boss and everyone else was looking at me.  Mall security was there - EMS was called...  SIGH!

Long story short - PLEASE stay hydrated!  I had recently gotten bloodwork back and knew that my potassium (a key electrolyte) was on the low side of the scale.  This coupled with not drinking for a few hours, anxiety of the store tours and standing up (with possibly locked knees) contributed to a low blood pressure which caused me to faint.

My head hurt for hours with no end.  Called my surgeon's office to tell them what happened.  (I called them at 10 minutes to closing)  They had me come in the next day for testing.  They sent me to the hospital for a CT scan as well.

All is clear... I knew I had a hard head! ;)

All joking aside.... I keep a bottle of water near me at all times now.... maybe you should do the same.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Weeks 5 & 6 Post Op Update

Sorry - I've become bad... I've missed a post.

That could be because I was depressed... I barely lost a pound in week 5.  I'm not sure what happened.... I know my external exercise was down - but I walk a lot at work.... averaging 9,000 to 10,000 steps a day.  On work days... I just don't feel like walking when I get home.

Then I started looking at my diet.... still not enough calories!  So I started making a serious effort in week 6 to make sure I get in a minimum of 700-800 calories a day.

Can you say BINGO!!  That worked!  I am now 246.6 lbs :)

I have been dropping at least a half pound a day!  I dropped a whole pound the other day.  And today (yes I was bad and weighed myself twice.... I dropped a pound by mid-morning - 4 hours AFTER breakfast... but I used my first morning weigh in weight for the posting.)

I am fitting very comfortably in XL t-shirts.  I can even wear some large t-shirts.  Track pants/yoga pants that used to be very tight on me... are now fitting pretty loose.

I took the tags off 2 pair of jeans I bought in 2009 thinking I would fit into them soon.... (last weight loss attempt) and I never did.  I have been rocking those jeans every weekend now!!  I am starting to feel more confident about myself.  It really feels good :)

I'm still struggling with remembering all of my vitamins.... SIGH.  I will eventually get it down.

Shopping for food has become an interesting challenge/more fun. I'm reading labels, learning what is good for me, and saving a chunk of change by not going through the drive through at least two times a day.

I booked my first cruise for Labor Day Weekend.  It's going to be a 7 day cruise.  My first real vacation in a nearly 2 decades.  (Real meaning over 4 days - and excluding sharing a hotel room with my Parents.)  All of my friends comment on all of the food on the cruise... I'm not worried... I'm not controlled by food anymore.  It's just fuel to get me going for the next few hours.  Sure - I may treat myself to a little "bad treat" like 1 fun-bite chocolate bar - but I'm not eating 2 or 3 whole candy bars in one sitting anymore.

I can honestly say - I'm looking forward to being in a swimsuit in public :)  I NEVER thought I would say that!!

Until next time...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Week 4 Post-Op

Weight update - 250.8  :)

Non Scale Victory (NSV) - had a few spare inches on the belt buckle on the plane - rather than me breaking out in a sweat to fasten it!  Yahoo!!!!

Went for a visit with my PCP (Primary Care Physician) and the last time she saw me was 3 months ago - when she wrote my referral for the surgery.... She saw me and was very pleased.  Blood pressure was 110/59, weight down almost 40 lbs since I saw her.  She is drawing labs... hopefully A1C will be lower too.  

I transition to a regular diet next week.  I'm looking forward to it... but a bit frightened at the same time.  I think it will be easier for me to recognize when I am full - versus the soft "slider" foods.  I really need to get better about exercising though.

TMI warning:

I had always read that you needed to use 2 forms of birth control after surgery.  This is due to the high release of estrogen with weight loss.  I decided to use the Mirena IUD.  It lasts 5 years and also releases a hormone like the pill does.  I didn't want to have to rely on the pill... because - right now I have issues remembering to take all my vitamins, and secondly - a close friend of mine just became pregnant on the pill.

So - with that being said - I had my Mirena appointment.  A few notes - it is easier to insert if you have already have had a child. (I have not.) Secondly - you may want to take a Valium for anxiety and/or Vicodin for pain.  Hell yes it hurt... I yelled cuss words and apologized to my doc.  She said "it happens..."  LOL

I also almost passed out and then vomited.... she also said it was a normal pain response.  I took tylenol every 6 hours.  I'm still taking it today...  still having mild cramping.  But - the good news - the procedure only takes 3 minutes.

If anyone has any questions about anything I've posted... please let me know.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Week 3 Post-Op Update - Setting Mini-Goals

So.... I have a few new musings:

First - Weight is now 253.2 - down nearly 32 lbs :)  (Be sure to check out my progress photos above if you haven't already.)

Second - Medical scare - just fibroid cysts (YEAH!)  Soooo relieved!

Third - I'm still finding it hard to get motivated to exercise.  I'm really not sure what the deal is here... but I really have to get a move on!  I bought a big calendar to put in my exercise room to get me motivated.  Hopefully that will help!

Fourth - Mini-Goals:  Back in 2009 - I dieted my way down to 254 lbs... that took 4 months.  I did it in 1 month this time.  In 2007 - I got down to 251 lbs on weight watchers (round 3)  and that took me 8 months.  If I get on the ball - I should hit that by this weekend!.  Next mini-goal:  224 lbs - my weight in 2004 when I worked out with a trainer 5 days a week and dieted.  It took me 4 months to hit that target.  I'm hoping I can do it in two.  I will need to start working out to make that happen.

Finally Fifth - Clothes are starting to get looser.  In a smaller pants size already.... I love shopping in my closet for things that I haven't worn in a great while.

Thanks to everyone who is reading my blog.  It's really motivating knowing that there are people out there who will help hold me accountable.  Please feel free to comment... I love reading your thoughts.

Have a great day!