Saturday, February 12, 2011

Approved for Surgery ....So Now What?

Although this blog is delayed - I figured it was about time that I got it started.  So I will back date my posts a few weeks.

Unlike the struggle so many people have with trying to get approved for weight loss surgery - mine was a relatively simple process.  I lucked into joining a new company in September 2010 that allowed me to qualify for insurance in October 2010.  When I received my insurance materials in the mail - I realized the surgery was covered so I jumped on the internet and started researching surgeons.

In late October - my search took me to research Lap Band surgery and settle on The Davis Clinic in Houston, TX.  I went to the required group informational meeting.  I filled out an information sheet and was contacted within 2 days.  They did confirm that I was eligible for surgery - I just had to fill 2 more criteria:  First - prove I had previously been insured for at least a year - or I would have to wait until October 2011 (I was ... woo hoo!) and second - have a five year medical history proving that my BMI had been over 40 for the past 5 consecutive years.

After listening to the presentation and doing more research on my own - I decided the vertical sleeve gastrectomy would be a better choice for me.

Now the second one seems pretty easy for most people... but I was that patient that constantly changed physicians....  Know why?  Because I got tired of being hassled for my weight.  Each time I would see a new PCP - and he/she would tell me to lose weight.  I would get right on the ball as soon as I would leave their office... and that would last until I would lose 20-40 lbs.  Slowly the weight would creep back on... and before you know it - I was due for a 1 year checkup... all the weight would be back.  So, instead of looking like a failure (I have an INTENSE fear of failure), I would avoid the whole situation and just see a different doctor.  Sad... I know... but very true.

So due to this issue... it took several weeks to run down all of my medical history.  The holidays were quickly approaching... and my parents were about to come and visit.  Seems like I should be excited... but here is something I didn't tell you.... I also have a fear of not pleasing my parents.  (I guess I have a few issues...)  My parents are very loving, supportive, and healthy.  They enjoy working out and eating out.... alot!  So...their whole solution for as far back as I can remember (19 years old) was you just have to eat less and move more.  I can tell you - that really didn't work for me... and I spent the better part of my childhood watching my mother be miserable eating lettuce or drinking slim fast just so she could enjoy the brownies, margaritas and nachos she craved.  It just didn't seem like a way to live - not for me.

But how do I tell the people that I love that I have decided to have surgery.... in their eyes "the easy way out?"  Well... we had the conversation at the beginning of the visit.  Dad was all for it and Mom was totally against it and very distant (Merry freaking Christmas... right?)  Well - Christmas night I was watching my required Emmi videos on the surgical procedure for the Gastric Sleeve.  Right then and there my dad changed his mind.  He said I was crazy for thinking that I had to resort to surgery and that "I wasn't that big" and "didn't eat that much."  Needless to say... the rest of the evening I spent in my room of my house... while my parents were in the rest of the house.

Finally - a few days after Christmas I was told that all documents had finally been received and I should get final insurance approval very soon.  It came within the week and next thing I knew - I was being scheduled for pre-op appointments, meeting with the psychologist, and making appointments to see the surgeon.  I also had a date for surgery - Feb. 8th 2011.

I was so excited - I called my Dad to tell him... and the first thing he said before I could even tell him I had been approved - was that he was totally against the surgery.... and that I didn't need it.  I should really commit to a year of trying to lose weight before I decided on surgery.  I told him quietly that I had to go back to work (I was on my lunch break) and I quietly cried in my car.  I just wanted the two people who loved me most in the world to support me....

So instead - I turned to a few close friends who were very supportive.  They started talking and deciding if they could take off work to be with me for surgery - since I wasn't sure if I could count on my parents to come from out of state to be with me.  Next I found solace watching YouTube videos of others who had the same surgery before me and subscribing to their videos.  All of a sudden I started building this small network who was going to stand behind me thick or thin to help me through this change.

After a while... my parents did come around...but it wasn't until almost 3 weeks before surgery.  That's where my next blog will pick up.

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